Saturday, July 28, 2007

Garden Journal 07-27-07

Some of this crap I should have written about awhile ago, but here we go.

Today: Received my Walking Iris' from another NHGC member and my new member seeds from the club. I got a LOT of seeds. I have to remember to bring them up when I drop Shawn off so Gemma can have some. As for the WIs I planted them as soon as I brought them in the house. Trimmed the foliage back too. I figured that it would halp them recover from the dry ship. I have 'em under the grow lights as we speak…er…as I speak???

LAST Friday (072007): I planted a bunch of the seeds that I got from people/traveling/for "experiments." So, I planted all the Coral Plant (Jatropha multifida I believe) then. I probably should have scarified them before planting, at least I don't think I did. They are just so big and solid, you'd think it would help. I also planted my Canna Lilies and my Misc Daylilies in a really loose "experiment." I had read about this way to start daylilies from seed by putting them in a barely damp vermiculite aboout 2" deep. I also planted some of the seeds in regular peat-based potting mix. I did the same things with the Cannas too, but I scarified them. They should show signs of growth in about another week if it works. If I have a TONE of daylilies, I can always try this thing I read about cooking daylily sprouts like asparagus and serving them with a bit of butter. I've wanted to try that, just wasn't able to get around to it. I'm working on a plan to start my Pitcher Plant seeds. Now that I am thinking about it, I might be able to do it in one of those big pickle jars. But no matter what I do, I think I should really get a pump for the air/humidity issue. I wonder if I can find where I got that info before… Hmmm??? I'm pretty sure that I have it somewhere at home. Well, this is it for now as I am babbling and not making a ton of sense since I am feeling so crappy.


I almost forgot to mention my new plan for the front garden. I have let it weed over for a good reason. I want it to have the ground properly shaded to conserve moisture. Then, when fall is approaching, maybe at the end of August, I will pull up all the weeds and if I have compost ready topdress it. Then I will put down a bunch of annuals and wildflowers to help naturalize it. Then I will mulch. I'll have to do it when the temps are on the decline to make sure that all the seeds go dormant. I'm gonna leave the daylilies and irises there, they seem to be doing just fine, but I think that I am going to move the peonies over by that blank spot under the tree in front of the living room window. They'll get more sun and water there I think.

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