I am also working on some stellar plans for the Vivarium. I am hoping that I can draw up some cool specs and then take pics of 'em. Then it would be cool to take pics of the process as I do it. Gotta clear some space on the digi though. It would be pretty tight though. It took me three days to come up with a plan for the substrate and water feature, but I think I have met all the necessary issues.
I also got these cuttings in the mail today from another NHGC member. They are for a couple of plants, one unnamed and the other I am forgetting the name of and the club site is currently down, but the are reminiscent of Zygocactus or maybe a Rhipsalis. We'll see if they grow, she said to treat them just like a Christmas Cactus, so I put 'em in some damp soil and I'll let 'em be. This here is a good info site on the Zygos: http://www.fernlea.com/xmas/cactinfo.htm
Speaking of Rhips, I think that the seller miss labeled their stock. The Red Mistletoe Cactus' have cylindrical growths, where these are flat, I think that the plant is actually R. 'Rivero's Red' which I found on this site here: http://www.glasshouseworks.com/succ-pr.html
Anywho...gotta jet. Oh, and so far, no sprouts or growths in any of the seeds that I have started. Bummer! I need to reorganize my who setup though I think. OH, OH! I went to the Bachman's near me FINALLY, well, they have an as-is section and they were selling terra cotta pots, about 4" sized ones, well, they were $0.05 a PIECE! I bought 60...LOL...
I need to read a bit on lizards and vivs so lata!
Ok, here are the pics:
And here are some of the plants I ordered on eBay, but most of them were from other members:
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