As you can see, the sprouts look great! However, my A.T., not so great, so we'll see. I'm kinda bummed about it 'cause I think it is a really cool plant. Anyway, here is my water feature "skeleton" as of right now:
Maybe we should run to the other PetSmart and see what they have for reptile terrariums... But if we got one, then we would have to go to Ikea and pick up our rocks and the Bachman's for our orchid bark and finally to Home Depot for charcoal. Then it would be a matter of waiting for the pump I ordered in the mail.
Oh, I am also addicted to Yahoo! Answers. I am going nuts answering people's gardening questions. I have a few I have to get to, but you should check it out. Still active and having fun in the NHGC, I have to mail out a plant exchange with another member tomorrow, don't forget! (I just might...LOL)
Alright, let's all hope and pray now that my little A.T. pulls through!
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