Thursday, August 16, 2007

Garden Journal 08-15-07 Sag Seeds

Ok, so I know that it is a couple days early, but I took the Sag. seeds in the AV pot out of the fridge and watered them and filled the reserve. I figured that I will let it sit out for a week or so and then I will stick it in the CP terrarium. I'll leave it in there for 4-6 weeks and then take it out for about a week, then dump out the reserve and stick it back in the fridge for another month. Also, I stuck the rest of the seeds in the fridge. I am gonna try and cool them down, warm 'em up, and then cool 'em down again. If I can get these to start growing, then I will have to invest in my indoor water garden and fountain. I think I have sold Sammy on the idea too. Fingers crossed. I'm really happy to say that my white daylily is still doing well. I don't know how common it is to get one to grow, but if this thing makes it to maturity and blooms AND can be propagated...well, I will be a very happy camper. I highly doubt that I will be able to get it to propagate via seed. I think that I will raise it indoors and make sure that it self-pollinates (if it gets that far) so that way I may stand a better chance of getting more. Even if it doesn't have impressive flowers it still would make a wicked cool plant for its interesting foliage. I don't think I have a pic of it yet online, but I will try and get one soon.

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