Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Garden Journal 08-29-07 GMO Video

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Been watching the videos on the biotech. I think people are afraid of what they don't know enough about. Being a believer in a creator I have to believe it is in our created DNA to do the same. A thought becomes an idea and from there creation or in our human limited form an alteration on creation LOL. You have to wander about the Garden of Eden. Man did not till the ground for food nor did he worry for its survival for lack of rain, it came when needed. You have to wander what became more important to them than living, could be that the knowledge they received came from the one that wanted to destroy but it was so tempting they became caught up in the power of having more they lost the truth that would have given them all they and future generations would ever need.
I think as it is written to prove all things and what you know in part you shall know someday fully. I believe it is human nature to profit and that nature doesn't always consider others. Anything that is good can be used to harm others but it didn't stop God.