Saturday, July 28, 2007

Cut 'n' Paste

I Am Steve Irwin Reborn

I have been feeling miserable for the last two weeks, sinus infection. Sucks. So I have been keeping myself pretty darned medicated. Today is really bad. We're so short staffed that I didn't have the heart to call-in. Now I am sitting here with my zippy on and hood up and wanting to die. Really sucks.

When I did wake up for a bit this morning. I found a bat on the door frame of the back door. I think he feel asleep trying to escape. Poor little guy… So I took his pic and picked him up, but he didn't seem okay so I pet him and hushed him until he was calm and he just hungout, kinda literally, until he felt awake enough and then he tried to fly around the house. I scolded him and told him to behave and I took him outside, said goodbye and he flew away. I don't think he'll come back to visit… Sad…

I have gone WAY TOO LONG without blogging, I know, but they blocked the access at work which is a HUGE bummer for me. So now I am trying this thing where I type myself an email and then I go home and cut and paste this. We'll see how that goes.

God. I really, REALLY feel flippin' miserable. I should have called in, but I couldn't do that to everyone here. We are SO short staffed and I'm sucking up for a promo so, eh. Sucks, but that's life, right?

Our trip was awesome, I didn't really talk about it much yet I don't think… I'm not going to, I'm to ill and trying to do it at work, well, doesn't work.

Lata' all!

1 comment:

amy said...

sorry to hear you are feeling not so good! i'll send happy, feel better vibes your way... and i think you should post the picture of the bat you took. how cool are you! i'm not sure, but i think i woulda freaked out a bit. miss you!