Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ok...this disturbed me.

In doing some research on Spanish moss I came across an info sheet and at the end was the following. It all seemed to make sense to me until the very last line, then I became worried... How many people have to have done that in order for there to be a warning like that?!? I also have to wonder, should people who do that really be allowed to own a microwave?!? Disturbing...

Don't use Spanish moss for bedding or packing without first treating it to kill tiny pests (especially red bugs or chiggers) that may be lurking within. Microwaving works well, as does heating or boiling in water. (Remove bats, lizards and snakes before microwaving.)

Here is the site if you are curious:


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

What is disturbing is that this ridiculous myth of about Spanish moss being infested with chiggers won't go away. It simply isn't true. The larvae of chiggers need a blood meal and they get this from animals. There aren't many animals living in Spanish moss. Rather, chiggers inhabit long grasses and weeds, where they can easily hitch a ride on a passing animal.