Friday, June 8, 2007

And then God said, let there be light...

I utterly detest those who think they rule the world and at the expense of others.

*Sidenote: My dear friend and main reason I have started this up sent me a link to another sight, a well know one, and told be to read a very specific paragraph about talking about your work online. Now if the two of us don't have some kind of weird telepathic bond, I don't know who does. I know that you will read this later Ames and I want you to know that you are right on the money.*

Anyway, to the point, there are those who control every aspect of their environment. For some reason, the can't stand it when people want to do things or experience things slightly to the left of what they desire. It is such a bother as myself, and most of my dear friends, are highly accomidating and willing to do things fairly and equally for all, if not giving up our desires even more so to make people happy. Either way, I am a little irritated right now... The main source of my irritation is not just this type of person, but the fact that you like them, now THAT pisses me off! Why the hell can you not hate people that have those qualities that you hate? I suppose that you wouldn't be irritated by there actions if you were a non-sensitive person and since you are sensitive, you can't hate someone... Huh??? Am I the only one lost in the duplicity and irony of that? It sucks. Why can't I be one of those people who just don't care? I mean, if the good, nice people of the world are going to like me anyway, then why can't I get what I want and do exactly as I please, no matter what?

So, okay, I am done with my rant and now that I have it off my chest, we can move on. So... Ya'll have a good one and take care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uh, gee, i have no idea what you are talking about! (wink wink)