Wednesday, June 13, 2007

News Alert: "I KNOW I'M NOT FAT!"

Ok, if one more person says that I am skinny and mocks me for doing Weight Watchers, I'm gonna bitch slap them! I mean, yes, I KNOW that I am in better shape than YOU, but that doesn't mean I am in GOOD SHAPE. Don't flatter yourself. See, I've come to realize that people mock my life choices for the same reason bullies pick on other kids...THEY ARE TRYING TO FEEL BETTER ABOUT THEMSELVES AND JUSTIFY THEIR WAY OF BEING!!! I mean, come on, why else would you care? I am trying to not only lose a few pounds of unnecessary, unhealthy fat, but improve my diet and my level of physical fitness by being more active. Argh! People suck! A couple coworkers asked me about what I was eating and I told them about my diet as an honest answer to why I was eating like I do...and they mock me! It is funny how insecure friends can turn on you so quickly. Anyway, that's it, I feel better... Well, kinda... I'll quit bitching at any rate. Lata' ya'll!

1 comment:

amy said...

we are in the same boat my friend, thank you for saying what i wanted to!